High Tide 2024 - a music festival … FREE at the point of use!

One of the biggest projects I’m involved in this year is the 2024 High Tide Music Festival in Twickenham, on Sunday 28th July.

I really love this festival and I think it’s incredibly important - both culturally and socially.

For a start, it’s FREE.

Even though it pays musicians and crew properly, the festival itself is entirely funded by local businesses, a crowdfunder (you can donate here! - https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/high-tide-festival-28-july-2024/), and the local council … whilst joyfully rejecting funding offers from large corporations on point of principle.

That means absolutely *anyone* can just turn up and experience an entire day of world class musical performance - without having to spend anything at all!

In the middle of a cost of living crisis, I think that’s a radical act.

The line-up, headlined by The Beat, is here: https://www.hightidetwick.com/

…and the crowdfunder, featuring some really unique, exclusive rewards, can be found here: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/high-tide-festival-28-july-2024

For once, I’m entirely behind the scenes on this project, lurking somewhere deep in a production cave, monitoring a production team I’ve put in place whilst ‘levelling up’ my knowledge of local authority licensing law faster than you can say ‘sunlit uplands’.

The programming is insane. 16+ stages, the most diverse array of musicians you’ll find This Side of the Moon, and more genres than you can shake an Eel Pie at.

(Did you know Eel Pie Island in Twickenham was the British home of Rock and Roll? Everyone from the Stones to Pink Floyd to Long John Baldrey’s Hoochie Coochie Men to David Bowie passed through here in their early days).

There’s something for everyone at High Tide… My hot tip: Balamuc, a fierce, heartfelt fiddle-orientated East European and Balkan folk music band.

Anyway, if you’re free on Sunday 28th July, get yourself a £1.75 bus fare down to Twick.

It’s probably the cheapest and best day out you’ll have all year.

And musically, it might just blow your mind.


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Simon Hewitt Jones c/o 1st Floor Studios, 41 Whitcomb Street, London, WC2H 7DT, United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)20 3051 0080, E: info@simonhewittjones.com