A long term series of performance projects, concerts, tours, films and mixed media events bringing together the contrasting musical languages of the Middle East and Western Europe.
Projects include(d) Road to Jericho (Who is my Neighbour and Neighbours?), Music of Syria (Antiphony), Beethoven Goes to Palestine.
The Breeze by Marcel Khalife
Recorded live at Spitalfields Festival in London (2011) with Oday Khatib/Dal'Ouna
Neighbours? by Antony Pitts
Adventures in Quartertones with Drew Balch (Viola) and Raphael Pitts (Narrator) and the parable of the Good Samaritan
Improvisation at the Church of the Redeemer (Jerusalem)
Introducing the Road to Jericho project
A promo video from the original phase Road to Jericho project
Antiphony by Antony Pitts - Premiere at Global Week for Syria (2016)
with Maya Youssef
Simon Hewitt Jones c/o 1st Floor Studios, 41 Whitcomb Street, London, WC2H 7DT, United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)20 3051 0080, E: info@simonhewittjones.com